
machinespace = the networked information space of ever-increasing complexity that humans have to interact with.

August 14, 2004

Shedroff and design...

Nathan Shedroff's Unified Field Theory of Design

Nathan's information interaction design theory and his attempts to develop a unified field theory of design was the inspiration years ago for my quitting United Defense and the Bay area and moving to Chicago to take a position with Neoglyphics in Jan 1998.

Back then, Nathan was running Vivid studios, in San Francisco and he and his team were already legendary. IDEO was beginning to play catch up with them and others of the same ilk.

The paper on Unified Field Theory of Design from which this image comes from is 10 years old now.. he wrote it in 1994. How quickly time passes. Blythe Miller who graduated from De Paul in Chicago and interned at Neoglyphics went to work for him in 1998.

Vivid was aquired by Modem Media back in 2000, when the feeding frenzy was at its height, and companies like Modem, Agency, iXL and Sapient were growing exponentially by acquiring small and medium sized talent-rich houses.

The paper is much longer of course, and develops his ideas further - eventually, it became a chapter in the book Information Design, edited by Robert Jacobson and published by MIT Press. More on that later....

Nathan went much further than that, of course - he developed his theories, and published Experience Design 1. He continues to work, teach and speak in the Bay area.


copyright 2004 ajoy muralidhar. all names or brands referenced are the copyright of their respective owners.


  • At August 15, 2004 at 6:12 AM, Blogger gentlepoet said…

    ah. linear it appears to be, but appearances are being most deceptive.

    hard it is to represent the curvature of experience-time, on a flat model without waving of hands, it is true. more it is like a spiral.

    were better to think of it as replicated infinite numbers of times around data points, with different experiences and different understanding being gained as end-user moves through time.

    represented in diagram is but one "chain" of nuclear elements. Data points changing over time thus experiences changes also subject to change.

    fallacy it is to think that "experience" is ever remaining constant for each instance of data.. user is evolving as well.


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