Quotable Quotes
"Usability is a measure of the effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction with which specified users can achieve specified goals in a particular environment."ISO 9241
A machinespace quote from Alan Cooper..."In the information age, as computers invade our lives and more and more products contain a chip of silicon, we find that what lies between us humans and our devices is cognitive friction, which is something new and something that we are ill-prepared to deal with. Our engineering skills are highly refined, but when we apply them to a cognitive friction problem, they fail to solve it."
Alan Cooper, The Inmates are Running the Asylum. Quote credit Dey Alexander
"There are only two things of importance. One is the customer, and the other is the product. If you take care of the customer, they come back. If you take care of product, it doesn’t come back."
Stanley Marcus, Nieman Marcus. Quote credit Dr. Theo Mandel
"Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding"
Kahlil Gibran, Poet-Philosopher
"If you define the boundaries of a product only in terms of deadlines and feature lists, the product may be delivered on time - but it won’t be desired."
Alan Cooper, Interaction designer
"usability is only a means to an end. For usability to be successful in influencing any outcome, its professionals must speak the language of business, accepting the trade-offs between usability, marketing, manufacturing and engineering." Don Norman, at the Designing for Usability Conference, 2004
"designers need to realize that engineers are designers too, simply with different issues and constituencies." Aaron Oppenheimer - Product Behaviorist, at the Designing for User Experiences Conference, 2003
copyright 2004 ajoy muralidhar. all names and quotes referenced are the copyright of their respective owners.
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