
machinespace = the networked information space of ever-increasing complexity that humans have to interact with.

June 28, 2003

about machinespace

This blog is about human-system interaction in machinespace.

As a great man once said... "if you wish to converse with me, first define your terms" so...

The definitions, then...


'machinespace' is the term I choose to use to describe the networked information space that humans have to interact with in order to function. 'machinespace' is analogous to humanspace, however, in the past few years, the interactions between man/machine and machine/machine have exploded to the extent that humanspace is rapidly becoming a subdomain of machinespace.


humanspace encompasses information spaces limited to pure human/human interaction without computer mediation or support. a.k.a "meatspace", courtesy of my friends Chris Messley & Andrew Falconer of

Perhaps you noticed that I used the phrase "computer mediation or support" rather than "machine mediation or support"... why? because doing so allows for the use of non-computing machinery in humanspace - ie, telephones etc.

should we be more restrictive and eliminate all machines from humanspace?

pure humanspaces are a myth, of course - they do not exist in the modern world, since we use technology everywhere. Of course, there are certain primitive societies that have resisted the spread of machines to some extent, but they are few and far between. the ubiquitious radio reaches even them...

As we become more integrated into machinespace, the interactions become subtler and less apparent - primarily due to interface and interaction design, and our own adaptation to emerging technologies.

________________________________________________________ copyright 2003 ajoy muralidhar. all names or brands referenced are the copyright of their respective owners.